Astrology Birth Chart

Astrology Birth Chart


Your Birth Stamp

The day, hour and place you were born has significant meaning. All the planets in your chart and their placements tell an incredible story about you! Let's find out what it all means! You will receive an emailed chart to keep to reference forever.

You will be amazed what your chart says about you and we will go over everything in this 1 hour cosmic session.

Astrology tells us who we are , but it shows also, parts of ourselves that we don't know. These unknown parts of ourselves once unlocked will guide you closer to self realization, helping you understand the deeper parts of your self.

Your exact birth time and place of birth is needed for this report and reading.

Have Questions?

Want a free consultation? Or, do you have questions about which reading is best for you? Or, have any other questions? Just shoot me an email and I will get back to you.