Your Guide

Your Guide

Hello, I'm Elle, welcome to my site. I have over 25 years experience spiritually guiding people with the cards. I'm so happy you have stopped by to find out what IN THE CARDS is all about!

I do believe that we ALL are intuitive and have psychic abilities, especially if we pay attention, develop and acknowledge it. Some people have stronger intuition than others, that's a given. I cannot see your future through a crystal ball, but I can see it in the cards! 

The cards are not pulled by chance and are not random like Tarot which are BASED on this ancient system of card science that I use. Read more about Tarot in the next section about "The Cards". In fact, I don't even touch cards when doing a reading. Yes, that's right, I don't even need a deck with me at all because the cards are already in formation, according to your birthday, just like astrology or numerology, like a stamp that cannot change. I am here to translate and decipher them for you and guide you through these formations you were assigned. I'll do a thorough job of helping you understand the meaning of your card, as well as informing you about the cards that affect your future, relationships, work, family etc. These cards are just a mirror of your life. I'll walk you through every step of the session, and you can choose how deeply you wish to dive into your future or past experiences.


Self Realization is the ultimate spiritual goal, and the cards will help you in achieving that as you return to self. They will help you with self transformation on so many levels. They will help you be the best version of yourself and also help you prepare for the future.

Trust and Privacy

All the information you provide to me and discuss during our session is completely kept between us and will never be shared. Your trust is important to me, and I want you to feel free to discuss your deepest concerns, fears and goals with me. After all, you've found yourself here for a reason, to find truth, to better your self, to have better relationships, to know how to navigate your life better, to deepen understanding of your purpose in life!

I'd like to end with this:

In religion its called "Spirit"

In Science its called "Energy"

In the streets its referred to as a "A Vibe"

All I'm saying is TRUST IT!